Our Objectives



1) A School based upbringing for the destitute children (School Going children).

2) Establishing a sound future for children in poverty through equal opportunity and equal rights.

3) Child welfare and child rights, spreading of human kindness and humanitarian values.

4) To launch awareness program, so as to educate the poor about maintaining good health and nutrition, preventing disability and finding employment.

5) To provide employment opportunities to the disabled and needy.

6) To facilitate and promote awareness among the people to donate various organs of human body. Within preview of law.

7) To help the poor and needy.

8) To provide cloths and food to needy and poor people.

9) To establish vocational training centers aimed at empowering men and women of weaker sections of society to become self-reliant, reducing their dependence on other.

10) Children from the slum are provided nutritious food and that too free of cost.

11) This NGO also implements, schemes for the welfare of women.

12) To associate/affiliate and render assistance and/or grant aid to other public charitable trust or institution having objective similar to this trust.

13) To organize social cultural and environmental activities through channelizing youth energy into constructive and creative directions.